When you first start getting into muscle building, it can be very frustrating to put in an hour?s work every day and not see any real results to go with the soreness and stiffness in the morning. If you want to see results immediately, if you want to develop healthy habits that will result in some serious muscle weight gain and if you want to do it the right way, then you will want to consider these strategies for fast, effective and healthy muscle building.
Use Bananas and Stretching to Prevent Soreness
Stretching every muscle in your body before you start lifting will be a great help in keeping your body from feeling sore and stiff the next morning and getting the very most out of every workout. This is especially true when you?re just starting out and your body is not yet used to being put through the ringer at the gym every day.
You can further prevent soreness with muscle building by eating bananas in your morning shake with your protein supplements. Bananas contain a lot of potassium which is great for keeping your muscles limber and helping them recover more easily.
Get Your Protein from Peanut Butter, Tuna and Supplements
For a low fat alternative to the steak and eggs that old time muscle building pros used to love, peanut butter, tuna fish and protein supplemental powders make great additions to lunch and breakfast.
Work Some Cardio into Your Routine
A lot of the most successful bodybuilders will take up running, dance, bicycling or intensive sports like Karate, basketball and football in addition to lifting weights. At the very least, you?ll probably want to spend a half hour on the treadmill at the end of every workout.
The reason you need to work cardio into your routine is the same reason you want to work creatine into your diet. You need a strong, healthy cardiovascular system to properly transport those proteins and nutrients throughout your body.
Many bodybuilders, especially when just starting out, find that no matter how much time they?re spending at the gym pumping iron, no matter how hard they push themselves, they?re just not seeing results. A lot of the time this simply comes down to a lack of cardio.
Find Your Rest Cycle and Stick to it
Lifting weights is a process of stretching and tearing your muscles so that when they recover, they will build themselves back up bigger and stronger than before, this is why some soreness is necessary and why some rest is even more necessary. In most people, the rest and recovery process takes 48 hours.
If you don?t want to risk making yourself too sore to ever return to the gym, it may be wisest to stick to the two day cycle as a rule of thumb, but adventurous bodybuilders have found other cycles work for them, as well. In any event, don?t push yourself to work the same muscles every day until you?ve consulted your physician.
Other than these strategies, just be persistent. If you?re not seeing results right away, adjust your workout routine and your diet until you find something that works for you.
Source: http://www.ausss.org/health-and-fitness/muscle-building-strategies-and-supplementation.html
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